Virtual course on Minor Surgery and Suture Technique

This fully online course on Minor Surgery and Suturing consists of a Sanitary Professionals Board that daily apply the quirurgical techniques they teach in this course. Furthermore, they have also been trained in teaching and didactics to pass on their technical and practical knowledge. All aspects, moving from the simple to the more complicated ones related to Minor Surgery, will be tackled from a close, direct and very practical perspective during this course.

The objective is to understand in order to internalise the technique, to test in an object of experimentation to get the best results on real patients. Every detail of this course has been progressively refined after many years of experience and this can be seen in satisfaction degree of the previous participants, either virtual or present at the event.

One of the main reasons to do this course is the need in the sanitary practice to attent patients with wounds with greater or lesser complexity, that require surgical reparation as the only mean to cure it. Therefore having the knowledge of the different materials and the different types of sutures is the only way to achieve this objective.

What is about and how is the Vitual Course on Minor Surgery and Suture Technique?

During this course we will deal with the main aspects of minor surgery and the suturing techniques from a theoretical and practical perspective. There will be 15 theoretical lessons with downloadable resources and practical lessons in video format (Two options: by lessons or full videos) to learn the different types of sutures and the most important aspects on minor surgery.

This course is eminently practical starting from a review of the different types of suture threads with their indications, advantages and disadvantages. An exposition to the different suturing techniques, as well as, basic knowledge of the surgical needles, types and handling.

Once lessons have finished, there will be an exam of 10 questions to put in practice all the knowledge you have acquired during the course. Once you have passed, the corresponding certificate will be ready to be downloaded.